Saturday, October 24, 2009

Your Turn

Every four to seven days for almost nine months now I’ve posted a blog on “The View from the Back Pew.” Today’s blog is my 54th. It’s assessment time.

I’m asking myself, Why do I blog? First of all, for the discipline of writing. (Though I’ve other things waiting to be written without the same time pressures.)

I write, also, for the pleasure of communicating. Problem is, except for reader comments, which are rare, I’m flying blind (or deaf). But am I connecting with any live minds out there in the ether? I'd really like to know.

I'll acknowledge also a self-interested motivation. I’ve hoped that this blog might, without constantly harping on my recently published novel, give me enough name recognition to attract readers to Parson Campbell’s Breakthrough. This, too, I have no way of knowing.

So, today I’m asking a favor. Scroll down to the word “comments” below and me some feedback. My questions:

1) Who is reading this? Give me a name, a nickname, an Internet ID, or whatever.

2) I write on a variety of subjects. What would you like to hear more of? (a) matters related to the writing and selling of fiction? (b) reflections on what I’m reading? (c) musings from the back pew on matters of faith and church life? (d) observations on aging and life in a retirement community?

3) If you have bought or read Parson Campbell’s Breakthrough, was it this blog that stoked your interest? If not, what was it?

Your turn. Comment on any of my questions, or say what you please. I’m listening.


  1. Hi Bert, I'm reading your blog for the first time. I was interested in Julian's stole this morning. As I am interested in making stoles I noted the width and the pleats at the neck. Now I know I should have been paying more attention to the service that the apparel but I was listening. Nancy Green

  2. Hi Bert, I appreciated your message to me today and wanted to say thank you. I've become a Follower of your blog and look forward to hearing more about your writing and your forthcoming book
    Kindest regards, Janice Horton.

  3. Blogsphere connects in the strangest of ways sometimes. For me the best connections are the most unlikely. Carry on with your blog. Your writing is good and interesting (something rare in the blog world) sometimes it takes awhile to be recognised. Join blog groups. Don't give up yours is one worth pursuing.

  4. Hi Mr. Johnston, I am Mike and Mary's next door neighbor. Together with my wife Teresa we have Abby TheBorder-Collie that keeps all of the squirrels in the park herded. Oh, and of course she plays with Socks and keeps Beans in her place. If you are ever in town it would be a pleasure to meet you.
